Olivia: “What DVD player do you recommend?”   Terry: “I think you should buy the XPR. As it is compact, it is ______ model.”   The adjective form that completes the sentence is:

as portable as
the least portable
more portable
the most portable
Após a leitura baseada nas técnicas instrumentais, leia o texto para responder a questão. As autoridades alemãs criaram uma lei de trânsito com o objetivo de arrecadar fundos para a conservação do meio ambiente. A solução foi a exigência de que, a partir de 2010, os carros deveriam circular com um “selo ambiental”. Leia mais sobre o assunto a seguir.    Environmental stickers in Germany   At the beginning of 2010, Germany implemented a strict rule for every car entering Cologne, Munich, Berlin, and about other dozen more cities in the country. The stickers are priced between $7.50 and $30.   When in these German locations, make sure that you get the environmental sticker or you will be stopped by the traffic warden. Failing to do so might cost you $60.   Disponível em: . Acesso em; 11 fev. 2013.   Após a leitura do texto, verifica-se que:

a falta do selo resultará em pagamento de multa.
câmeras de trânsito vão fiscalizar o uso do selo.
o uso do selo é obrigatório em toda a Alemanha.
a variação de preço do selo ambiental é irrisória.
o selo é exigido apenas em Colônia, Munique e Berlim.
Leia o texto, a seguir, sobre um recente anúncio do Vaticano que estuda restringir o número de visitantes a uma de suas principais atrações, a Capela Sistina, cujos afrescos foram pintados por Michelangelo há mais de 500 anos. Após a leitura baseada nas técnicas instrumentais, responda à questão proposta. Divine dilemma: should the Vatican reduce tourist access to the Sistine Chapel?   Michelangelo's famous frescoes are described as one of the world's supreme sights. In scene after scene, some of the Old Testament's most powerful stories are told. But for some, the room became a victim of its own fame and magnificence. They say it just attracts too many tourists. Twenty-thousand visitors enter the Chapel's doors every day; more than five million a year. According to Antonio Paolucci, the director of Vatican Museums, "it becomes noisy, people are confused - it's hard to understand. Too many people make it uncomfortable... But, specially, it creates a problem for the conservation of the frescoes." Mr. Paolucci said plans to improve the ventilation and counter the humidity in the Chapel would be presented soon. But he also said that another possibility would be to restrict the numbers of visitors allowed in. "But so far we are trying to avoid this because the Sistine Chapel for those who visit the Vatican is not only a place of art but also a spiritual, religious place." Disponível em: . Acesso em: 31 out. 2015.   De acordo com o último parágrafo do texto, apesar de estudar a restrição ao acesso de visitantes, o Vaticano tem se esforçado para evitá-la, pois entende que a Capela Sistina, além de artístico, é um local:

Complete the e-mail message from Monica to Joe about an art exhibit they plan to go. Use the prepositions on, in and at. To: joe.miller@albertauniversity.co   Subject: Artexhibit Hi, Joe! What about an art exhibit ____ Saturday afternoon? It´s free and near our university ____ Alberta Art Centre. It starts ____ 10.00 a.m. and finishes ____ 5.00 p.m. Let´s meet after class ____ 12.00 or 12.10 ____ the park? We have lunch, then we go. What do you think? Best wishes, Monica. The correct sequence is:

at, at, on, on, on, in.
on, at, on, on, on, in.
on, at, at, at, at, in.
in, at, at, at, at, in.
in, at, at, at, at, on.
Leias as sentenças, a seguir, e observe as palavras em negrito.   (I) The shopper bought the sweater. (II) This suit is very expensive! (III) I usually have soft drinks for lunch.   Elas receberam sufixos que originaram novas classes de palavras. De acordo com seus estudos sobre os afixos, quais as funções que as palavras destacadas cumprem?   A sequência correta é:

substantivo – adjetivo – advérbio
adjetivo – advérbio – substantivo
verbo – advérbio – advérbio 
substantivo – advérbio – adjetivo
verbo – adjetivo – advérbio 

De acordo com Holden e Rogers (2004), o escritor deve dispor de tempo e atenção ao escrever, para engajar o jovem na produção textual. Nesse sentido, o professor deve:

desenvolver habilidades gramaticais.

escrever um mesmo gênero repetidamente.

encontrar contexto motivador para a escrita.

tentar trabalhar respostas complexas em textos longos e bem orientadas aos alunos.

produzir textos longos com recursos variados.

reading é conduzido, desde as primeiras fases do aprendizado até as últimas, sempre de acordo com a necessidade e nível dos alunos. À medida que o aluno vai amadurecendo, surge o verdadeiro leitor, consciente ao escolher os melhores textos, portanto, seletivo em termos de qualidade. 

Peter e Michael estão conversando sobre a nova vizinhança deles.

Leia o texto a seguir e faça a sua interpretação através da atividade proposta. 

Peter:     I'm so happy in live in this neighborhood.

Michael:  What? This place is terrible. There are no gyms, no bakeries, no shopping malls.

Peter:     There are great stores near our house. There is a supermarket opposite the drugstore. The post office is behind the supermarket.

Michael:   Who cares about supermarkets? I want to swim and play soccer.

Peter:     Oh, come on. Our school is next to a beautiful park.

Michael:   I don't like parks. Let's go get a hamburger. I'm so hungry.

Peter:     Me, to. There is a nice fast food place next to the hospital. We can meet mom there. We can go by bus.

Michael:   No! It's an hour from here to the hospital.

Peter:     Fine. Let's walk home. I can make us some sandwiches.

                         (Teacher’s CD-Roms – Choice for Teens, Richmond, 2011)

Read and write T (true) or F (false).

a) (    ) There are no shopping malls in their neighborhood.

b) (    ) There are great stores near their house.

c) (     ) Michael is not interested in playing soccer.

d) (    ) There is a supermarket in front of the drugstore.

e) (    ) Their school is near a beautiful park.

f)  (    ) Their mother isn’t at the hospital.

F – F – F – T – T – T 

F – F – T – T – F – F 

T – F – T – F – F – T

T – T – F – T – T – T

T – T – T – F – T – F 

- O texto, a seguir, mostra a trajetória de uma das marcas brasileiras mais conhecidas ao redor do mundo. Leia:


Since 1962, Havaianas has sold more than four billion pairs worldwide. Rui Porto is the responsible for the brand’s transformation and success and Eduardo Julio Damazio works directly with shoppers that come into the Havaianas shop in São Paulo on the Oscar Freire street.


(Texto adaptado. Disponível em: http://www.bbc.com/travel/video/one-day-in/20121112-stepping-into-sao-paulo-fashion. Acesso em: 13 Set. 2016.)


No fragmento, você encontrou as palavras “transformation” e “shoppers”. De acordo com seus estudos sobre o uso dos sufixos, qual a transformação pela qual ambas passaram?

verbo originando adjetivo

substantivo originando adjetivo

substantivo originando verbo

adjetivo originando verbo

verbo originando substantivo

De acordo com os estudos das regras do comparativo e superlativo dos adjetivos, todas as frases estão escritas gramaticalmente corretas, exceto:

Grace is the best at Science than I am.

Gold is more expensive than silver.

I am taller than my brother.

Einstein is the most famous scientist of all times.

This is the worst movie that I watched on TV.

Leia o parágrafo abaixo para responder a questão.

It’s nine thirty in the evening. Mom and Dad are in the living room. Dad is reading a book. Mom is writing a letter. My sister is upstairs in her bedroom, she is studying science. My friend and I are in the garage. We’re doing our art homework. George is painting and I’m taking pictures. Grandfather is dancing in his bedroom. Our dog King isn’t in the house. King is sleeping in the backyard.

Write T (True) or F (False).

         1- There are seven people in the house. (     )

         2- The father is in the bedroom. (     )

         3- The boys are in the garage. (     )

         4- The sister is studying arts. (     )

         5- King is sleeping in the house. (     )


A sequência correta encontrada é:

F – F – T – F – F

T – F – F – T – T

T – F – T – T – T

T – F – T – T – F

F – T – F – F – F