Leia a reportagem, a seguir, sobre a divulgação dos resultados de uma pesquisa acerca do desenvolvimento das habilidades de leitura nas crianças da geração atual.
The problem with one of the biggest changes in education around the world
There's an interesting thing happening in countries where kids are the most comfortable with computers: they aren't reading all that well. In fact, the more children use computers at school, the more their reading abilities seem to suffer.
The reason why computers and Internet use seem to be having this adverse affect is likely fairly straightforward: the time kids are spending getting acquainted with computers is time they aren't spending honing their reading skills. It's no coincidence that chatting online is the activity that seems to hurt students' reading ability the most – using email and browsing, both of which involve reading and processing longer texts, appear to be the least harmful.
But computers might also be killing more helpful paths of thought and discovery. ”Students are cutting and pasting answers instead of finding them,” said Andreas Schleicher, who is the director of education at the OECD and lead author of the study.
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Relacionando os apontamentos do texto anterior à discussão de Lapkoski (2012) sobre o processamento da leitura, é possível concluir que o uso indiscriminado das tecnologias