A crise econômica global tem afetado diversos países e os jovens têm lutado contra seus efeitos. A esse respeito, leia o texto a seguir e responda ao que se pede.
Younger workers disadvantaged
1 A degree has been far more valuable for older college-educated workers in Europe. It is still quite difficult for young European college graduates to find a job. The unemployment rate for workers under age 25 is 2.6 times that of the total jobless rate, according to Eurostat.
2 In Spain, where unemployment is expected to stay above 25% through 2016, university graduates have an advantage, with a jobless rate of 17%. But examining the data reveals age disparities. Today in Spain, 45% of university graduates aged 16 to 24 are unemployed, according to the country’s national statistical office, far higher than the overall unemployment rate for university graduates.
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A ideia central desse texto é que, no atual cenário econômico da Espanha: