Leia, a seguir, um trecho de reportagem sobre os homens Neandertais.
Neanderthals' lack of artistic skills may have led to their extinction because they were unable to develop the hand-eye coordination needed to hunt
Neanderthal art is not known for being impressive. Unlike Homo sapiens, our ancient cousins were unable to draw recognisable images of animals or people. Now, new research claims this lack of artistic ability was closely related to Neanderthals' inferior hunting skills. Both drawing and hunting require hand-eye coordination, which Neanderthals did not have – a fact that scientists say may have led to their extinction.
Neanderthals existed mainly in Eurasia between 120,000 and 35,000 years ago and used thrusting spears at close range to kill horses, reindeer, bison, and other large game that had not developed an innate wariness of humans. Meanwhile, early humans (Homo Sapiens) hunted dangerous animals using throwing spears in sub-Saharan Africa for more than 500,000 years.
Throwing spears, rather than thrusting them, made hunters better at visualisation. As a result, Homo Sapiens developed a bigger parietal cortex – the area in the brain that integrates visual input and motor skills. This meant that they could also make art about hunting, which acted as a type of practice for our ancestors, because drawing developed their hand-eye coordination.
Texto adaptado. Disponível em:
to hunt = caçar
thrusting spears = lanças de mão
throwing spears = lanças de arremessar
throw = arremessar
at close range = a curta distância
game = a atividade de caça esportiva ou para consumo; ou os animais caçados
Leias as assertivas a seguir com base no texto sobre os Neandertais:
(I) Apesar de terem cérebros grandes, os Neandertais não desenhavam de modo claro.
(II) A coordenação entre mãos e olhos é necessária somente para desenhar, mas não para caçar.
(III) As diferenças artísticas entre os Neandertais e o Homo sapiens podem estar relacionadas aos seus estilos de caça.
(IV) Os primeiros Homo sapiens também não conseguiam desenhar os animais que caçavam.
(V) Essas diferenças podem explicar por que os humanos se tornaram mais coordenados que os Neandertais.
De acordo com o texto de referência, estão erradas apenas as assertivas: