The Australian state of Tasmania is considering raising the legal age for buying cigarettes to at least 21 and potentially as high as 25. If the plan goes ahead it will give Tasmania some of the toughest tobacco laws in the world. The current legal age to purchase, possess or smoke cigarettes in all Australian states is 18. Critics have complained the proposed restrictions would be a violation of civil liberties. Australia already has some of the world's toughest anti-smoking policies. The country is also one of the most expensive places in the world to buy cigarettes - from around A$20 a pack ($15; £10).
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 21 dez. 2015.
A fim de combater o fumo, o estado australiano da Tasmânia discute:
elevar os impostos para encarecer o preço dos cigarros.
revisar a permissão para fumar de 21 anos para 25 anos.
aumentar a idade mínima que permite o uso do tabaco.
criminalizar fumantes que violam as leis antitabagistas.
endurecer suas leis antitabagistas consideradas brandas.