A aposentadoria é uma conquista almejada pelo trabalhador ao final de sua trajetória profissional. A seguir, leia reportagem sobre um alerta relacionado a essa fase da vida.


Can retirement kill you?


In 2003, Dr Harry Prosen stepped down as head of psychiatry at the Medical College of Wisconsin, but the then 71-year-old had no plans to retire. Rather, the doctor intended to focus on other “jobs” that would keep him busy.


It’s not just a love of working that has kept Prosen, now at 83, toiling away 30 hours a week as an octogenarian. He also sees keeping busy as a matter of life or death.


Prosen said he is certain that if he stopped working entirely, he would literally die not long after. In fact, a number of studies show that retirement is bad for your health.


A 2013 report, for instance, found that retirement increased the chances of suffering from depression by 40%, while it increased the probability of having at least one physical ailment by about 60%.


Texto adaptado. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 08 set. 2014.


Based on the text, read the following statements about Dr Prosen, and write true (T) or false (F):


(     ) He had psychiatric problems after retirement.

(     ) He keeps an active routine, even being retired.

(     ) He devotes 30 hours per week to his activities.

(     ) Dr Harry Prosen is currently in his seventies.


The correct sequence is:

  • F – T – T – F.

  • T – T – F – F.

  • F – T – T – T.

  • T – T – T – F.

  • T – F – F – T.