Leia o texto, a seguir, que explica a diferença entre dois temidos predadores encontrados na natureza.
Alligators are often less dangerous than crocodiles because they are more choosy about their prey. Crocodiles will eat anything that moves, including large mammals. In contrast, alligator attacks are rare because they target prey animals that are smaller than adult humans. Their normal prey includes fish, birds, other reptiles and small mammals. Despite the low risk, alligator attacks are likely to become more common, because both the human population and alligator population are increasing. In many coastal regions, humans are encroaching on alligator habitat, so the two species are more likely to cross paths.
http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20160616-it-is-surprisingly-rare-for-an-alligator-to-kill-a-person Acesso em: 31 ago. 2016.
Com base no texto anterior, avalie as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre elas:
I. It is unlikely for a crocodile to attack human beings
II. its selective eating habit will make it feed on small animals.
Acerca dessas duas asserções, assinale a opção correta: