Leia o texto a seguir sobre a alarmante constatação feita por um grupo de pesquisadores acerca dos efeitos da poluição na saúde da população do Reino Unido.
UK air pollution 'linked to 40,000 early deaths a year'
They say diesel emissions have been poorly controlled. And indoor air pollution has been overlooked.
Tobacco still poses the biggest indoor threat, but wood-burning stoves, cleaning products and air fresheners can contribute.
"Being indoors can offer some protection against outdoor air pollution, but it can also expose us to other air pollution sources," the report says. Besides that "the lemon-and-pine scents that we use to make our homes smell fresh can react chemically to generate air pollutants, and ozone-based air fresheners can also cause indoor air pollution."
Co-author Prof Jonathan Grigg said there was now clear evidence that air pollution - largely from factories and traffic - was linked to heart disease and lung problems.
Prof Grigg said the public could also help by:
- walking, cycling or taking the bus or train instead of driving, when possible.
- keeping gas appliances and solid fuel burners in good repair.
- making homes more energy efficient.
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Com base no texto anterior, avalie as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre elas:
I. Chemical emissions need to be better controlled
II. cleaner air can avoid deaths related to pollution.
Acerca dessas duas asserções, assinale a opção correta: