Fábula é uma composição literária curta, escrita em prosa ou versos, em que os personagens são animais. As fábulas possuem caráter educativo e fazem uma analogia entre o cotidiano humano com as histórias vivenciadas pelas personagens. Essa analogia é chamada de “moral” e, geralmente, é apresentada no fim da narrativa.
Read the text to answer the question: ‘
The Lion and the Mouse
One morning a lion almost stepped on a mouse in the forest. “Please, Mister Lion”, said the mouse. “Don’t eat me, I’m so small”. “You’re right”, said the lion, and he carefully stepped around the tiny creature.
Later that same day, the mouse found the lion trapped in a net prepared to capture wild animals. With his sharp teeth, the mouse soon gnawed the threads of the net, and the lion was free.
“Thanks a lot, little friend. Now how can I repay you?” the lion asked. “Never mind”, the mouse said. “After all, you let me go free earlier today, and one good turn deserves another”.
Little kindness often have big results.
(Adapted from “Listen to Aesop” – Get Ready - Editora Moderna)
Write T (true) or F (false) according to the text:
( ) The following day the mouse found the lion trapped in a net.
( ) The mouse found the lion trapped in a hole.
( ) The mouse gnawed the threads of the net with his teeth.
( ) The mouse wanted a reward immediately.
The correct sequence is: