Muitas vezes, aprendemos coisas novas e interessantes com as crianças, especialmente, com os filhos. As crianças nascem tendo de aprender tudo, mas também podem ensinar muitas coisas aos adultos. Em várias ocasiões elas nos dão lições sobre nossos preconceitos e nossas atitudes perante a vida.
Read the text and write T (true) or F (false) to the sentences.
Lessons only kids can teach
What I’ve learned from my children transcends the various physical skills I’ve developed and the many mental feats I can perform.
If I hadn’t had children, I’d probably still be yawning my way through novels badly translated from Portuguese when I secretly wanted to read another thing.
I don’t always like the music or clothing fads they bring home, but some of their choices have become my own.
Being a mother lets you see parts of the world you would otherwise ignore because sometimes you are forced to justify your own fascinations before your kids.
My children made me realize it didn’t cost anything to smile at the bus driver or to put some warmth into my voice when I thanked a delivery boy.
Motherhood is grueling, not only because so much of it is donkey work but also because it brings so little recognition and so few tangible rewards. Mothers don’t get raises or promotions or their name in the newspapers for doing a good job. Even so, being a mother is truly the most important job any woman can have.
(adapted from an article by Carol Rinzler in Woman’ s Day, May 2)
Segundo o texto, Carol Rinzler:
I- está satisfeita na condição de mãe, apesar de tudo. ( )
II- admite que seus filhos lhe ensinaram muito, mas o preço foi alto. ( )
III- em um mundo machista as mulheres continuam subjugadas. ( )
IV- ela se tornou mais educada com as pessoas devido aos filhos. ( )
V- expressa insatisfação quando diz que os filhos raramente dão valor ao árduo trabalho das mães. ( )
The correct sequence is: