O chocolate não é só uma delícia. Segundo estudos recentes, o seu consumo moderado também oferece uma lista de benefícios ao organismo. E quanto mais cacau na fórmula, melhor.
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Chocolate lovers rejoice!
Muscle Australia magazine recently reported some delicious news on chocolate that may lift your spirits. According to some fascinating studies, eating chocolate may not be as much of a bugaboo as once believed. For example, figures from the U.S Department of Agriculture show that a typical plain chocolate bar, weighing approximately 1.5 oz., can contain more potassium than a banana and has almost eight times as much as an apple.
A University of Pennsylvania study shows that chocolate does not cause or even aggravate acne. Better still, it may prevent cavities! Such is the conclusion of the National Institute for Dental Research. They concluded that chocolate could be less damaging on the teeth because the cocoa butter it contains coats the teeth, thereby preventing the sugar from reaching the cavity-causing bacteria.
(Inglês – Textos, Wilson Liberato, editora FTD)
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