Em inglês, encontramos muitos termos e expressões que não podem ser traduzidas como aparecem, pois o significado das frases se altera. Portanto, é sempre importante e necessário, olharmos o contexto em que esses termos e expressões aparecem no texto.

Para responder à questão, leia o texto a seguir.

                                            Open zipper

What do you do when you see that someone’s fly is open? Do you let the person know, even though it’s so embarrassing?

I think you should definitely speak up about this or any other problem (a tag sticking out, a piece of food on someone’s face, etc.) that can easily be remedied. Even if the person is embarrassed, he or she will no doubt be grateful for a chance to zip up – before even more people notice.

                                               (Good Housekeeping, November, page 64)

A alternativa que melhor explica o termo “fly” do texto é:

  • the front opening on a pair of trousers.

  • the part of pants where a belt is used.

  • the side of pants where pockets are.

  • the back part of garments in which there is a zipper.

  • the upper part of pants around the waist.