Leia o texto, a seguir, sobre o impacto da ordem de nascimento na determinação da personalidade.

Birth Order Relationships

When did you arrive in your family? Are you the oldest child, a middle child, or the "baby"? Birth order may not be the most important factor in personality development, but we can make some generalizations.

  • If you're the oldest, you're probably: successful, conservative, self-critical, able to enjoy the company of older people.

   Parents often expect a lot from the first child. They often push them to succeed. The first child often has to grow up very fast.

  • If you're a middle child, you're probably: the one with most friends, the silent rebel against the family's values. Middle children often feel less important than their older or younger siblings.
  • If you're the youngest child, you're probably: a show-off who enjoys the limelight, often the family clown, both a charming and a rebel, creative. The youngest child often has the longest childhood.

(SASLOW; ASCHER, 2006, p. 82)

De acordo com o exposto no texto, verifica-se que:

  • filhos mais novos gostam de ser o centro das atenções.

  • filhos mais velhos tendem a criticar seus outros irmãos.

  • filhos do meio têm mais dificuldade em fazer amizades.

  • filhos do meio são menos valorizados que seus irmãos.

  • filhos mais velhos conquistam o sucesso por si próprios.