Leia um fragmento da canção “Have you ever seen the rain? ” da banda Creendance Clearwater: 

Someone told me long ago
There's a calm before the storm
I know, it's been comin' for some time


When it's over, so they say
It will rain a sunny day
I know, shinin' down like water


I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain?


Disponível em: http://letras.mus.br/creeedence-clearwater-revival/70219. Acesso em: 18 dez. 2015.


O uso do present perfect na pergunta em negrito indaga sobre:

um fato encerrado.
uma ação futura.
um fato cotidiano.
uma ação interrompida.
uma experiência vivida.

Read the following question:


Police officer: “What were you doing when the crime happened?”


The suspect´s answer is:

I will work at Marco Polo Pizza.
I should work at Marco Polo Pizza.
I work at Marco Polo Pizza.
I was working at Marco Polo Pizza.
I´m going to work at Marco Polo Pizza.

Complete each sentence with someone or anyone.


I- I know _____________ who works at the salon downtown.

II- Can _______________ help me?

III- I’m sorry. We don’t have _________________ available to help you now.

IV- There’s _________________ ahead of you. Can you wait?


The correct sequence is:

anyone – anyone – someone – anyone
someone – anyone – anyone – anyone
anyone – someone – someone – someone
anyone – someone – someone – anyone
someone – anyone – anyone – someone

Read the situation below and complete it with the suitable negative question.


         A: ______ you allergic to seafood?

         B: Me? No. You’re thinking of my brother.


My parents _______________________ from France. They ________________ French yet.


Com base nos estudos sobre o uso dos verbos no “Present Perfect”, a resposta correta que completa a frase é:

have already returned – have studied
has returned – haven’t studied
have just returned – haven’t studied
have ever returned – have studied 
just have returned – didn’t studied

Read the sentences and complete them about movie genres.


I-Airplane is a great _________________. I can’t stop laughing every time I watch it.

II- This courtroom _______________ is a serious movie about life and death.

III- A ______________ usually takes place in the future.


The correct sequence is:

comedy – science-fiction – drama
musical – documentary – animated film
horror film – drama – animated film 
comedy – drama – science-fiction film
action film – documentary – science-fiction film

Read the following question asked at a beauty salon.


Customer: “How long will I have to wait?”


The receptionist´s answer is:

5 products.
5 minutes.
5 centimeters.
5 percent.
5 dollars.

Para muitos, aprender um idioma estrangeiro é tarefa quase inalcançável. O texto a seguir indica caminhos que desmistificam essa ideia. Na sequência, responda a questão.

1According to language experts, you can learn basic communication skills in weeks and master the basics of a foreign language in several months.

2 Sometimes travelling the globe for work will force you to come up with ways to master conversation in many languages. This is the case of Benny Lewis, an engineer, who learned enough of seven languages to work easily such as German, French and Spanish, and attained near fluency in several others, including Mandarin. “The biggest barrier in the beginning is the lack of confidence,” said Lewis. “That got better and better for me [as I spoke].”

3 Indeed, simply having the courage to speak is necessary if you are going to make progress in a foreign language, language experts said. “A lot of people don't make progress if they don't open their mouths,” said Michael Geisler, the vice president for language schools at Middlebury College in Vermont in the US. “If you are not willing to put your identity on the line, progress will be slower.” This means not being afraid to take risks or make mistakes.

4 Geisler believes that total immersion is key to mastering a foreign language quickly. The more you immerse yourself in the foreign language – such as reading, listening to the radio or speaking to people – the more rapid your progress will be.

5 As a recommendation, consume media in the foreign language. Even if you are starting out, read illustrated children's books or watch familiar films in a foreign language.

Disponível em: . Acesso em: 03 set. 2015.


Segundo os entrevistados pela reportagem, um obstáculo à aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira é:

a falta de oportunidades para se viajar ao exterior.
a dificuldade dos iniciantes em usar a língua-alvo.
a impossibilidade de adquirir confiança para falar.
o alto investimento requerido em cursos e viagens.
a timidez para se comunicar com outros falantes.

Leia a frase, a seguir:


People are eating more meat and eggs and less rice and vegetables”. (SASLOW; ASCHER, 2006, p.68)


De acordo com os estudos das funções sintáticas, o substantivo destacado em negrito funciona como:


    A: “What about these oranges?”


   B: “Delicious! They´re…”


De acordo com o contexto apresentado, o adjetivo que melhor descreve as laranjas é:
