Leia a fala de um médico sobre o controle da dieta:


“People should avoid fatty foods”.


O substantivo destacado em negrito atua como:






Leia as frases, a seguir:


(I) Any accident on the road has to be reported to the police.

(II) You can use your credit card to pay the hotel bill.

(III) I haven´t had a good relationship with my partner.


De acordo com seus estudos sobre os substantivos, as formas destacadas anteriormente classificam-se, respectivamente, como:

coletivo – composto – comum de dois

coletivo – composto  coletivo

sufixação – composto – comum de dois

coletivo – composto – prefixação

comum de dois – composto – comum de dois

Leia a sentença a seguir:


Dr. Sato went to a rental shop to look for a compact car. 


Considerando seus estudos sobre a formação de palavras e o contexto de uso, o termo “rental” sofreu transformação do seguinte tipo:

adjetivo em verbo.

substantivo em substantivo.

adjetivo em substantivo.

adjetivo em advérbio.

substantivo em adjetivo.

Leia as afirmativas e escreva T (verdadeiro) ou F (falso) para o uso correto do Present Perfect Tense nas frases:


I-         Brad Pitt has made a lot of movies. (    )

II-       My family traveled a lot lately. (    )

III-     Where has Susan gone recently? (    )

IV-      How much money has you spend this week? (    )

A sequência correta encontrada é:

F – T – T – T

F – F – T – T

T – F – T – T 

T – F – T – F

T – T – T – F 

Read the situation and complete the conversation.


A: Is there anything that everyone can eat?

B: Hmm…I don’t know, but I hope you’ll make that delicious chocolate cake for dessert!

A: I can’t. Don’t you remember how sick Paul was at our last dinner?

    He __________________ chocolate!

B: Why don’t we just go out to eat?

A: Good idea!


According to the conversation Paul:

is allergic to

is avoiding

is a vegetarian

is on a diet

doesn’t care for

Read the situation below and complete it with the suitable negative question.


         A: ______ you already made roast chicken this week?

         B: Yes, Don’t you like it?






The answer for the question “Have you ever been to Beijing?” is:

Yes, we have. We loved it!

Yes, we have gone there once.

Yes, we have yet been there.

Yes, we´ve. We´ve loved it!

Yes, we´ve been there last year.

Read the sentences and complete them about movie genres.


I- Fighting and killing are common in _______________.

II- A ________________ gives facts and information about real people and events.

III- Scary things happen in ______________.


The correct sequence is:

action films – documentary – horror films

science-fiction films – action films – comedy

documentary – drama – horror films

action films – drama – animated films

action films – animated films – horror films 

Read the questions (I - III) and choose a response to each situation.


(I) “Get a 10% discount on massages this week. Feel like getting one?”

A) I think I´ll pass.     B) Actually, I don´t have any.


(II) “I don´t have an appointment. Could I have a shampoo?”

A) Yes, but in a few minutes.     B) Yes, the tip is 5% of the service.


(III) “How much do you charge for a manicure and a pedicure?”

A) You receive the bill in your room.     B) I´m not sure. Let me check.


The sequence of answers is:

B – A – B

A – B – A

B – B – A

A – B – B

A – A – B

Leia o título e o subtítulo de uma reportagem sobre um dos problemas de saúde pública que mais preocupa na atualidade: a obesidade.


The world is getting wider. What can be done about it?

 Disponível em: http://www.economist.com/news/special-report/1568065-world-getting-wider. Acesso em: 18 dez. 2015.


 De acordo com seus estudos sobre fonética, a letra “e”, na palavra “obesity”, e a letra “i”, na palavra “wider”, são representadas foneticamente como:

/e/ e /i:/, respectivamente.
/ₔ/ e /i:/, respectivamente.
/i:/ e /i:/, respectivamente.
/i:/ e /ai/, respectivamente.
/ₔ/ e /ai/, respectivamente.