Com base nos seus estudos sobre writing e reading, o ensino dessas habilidades:

propicia a produção textual sem necessidade de reescrita.
baseia-se no ensino por meio de gêneros textuais formais.
deve ser iniciado com o aprendiz cursando o ensino médio.
propicia a aquisição de conhecimento linguístico e cultural.
deve ser feito de modo que o aluno estude individualmente. 

No capítulo 4 “Interação de habilidades”, você leu que a formulação de perguntas e respostas com base em um texto, resenha crítica de um paradidático, criação de questões de falso-verdadeiro após uma leitura são atividades que permitem ao aluno o exercício conjunto das seguintes habilidades:

reading e speaking.
writing e speaking.
reading e listening.
writing e listening.
reading e writing.

The alternative that completes the sentence below is:


“In my opinion, Meryl Streep is _______ American actress.”

better than
the best

Read the conversation below:


Mr. Taylor: “We need someone qualified and smart to direct the department. Do you have any suggestions?”


Mr. Garner: “I recommend Ms. Randell. She has experience and she is _________ in the group.”


The form that completes the sentence is:

the most intelligent
more intelligent than
the least intelligent
as intelligent as

Read about Paul’s routine.


Today is Tuesday. Paul woke up and got up at seven o’clock yesterday. Then he took off his pajamas and took a shower. After that he put on a suit and had breakfast. He read the newspaper from 7:15 until 7:30. Then he made a telephone call. After that he went out. At eight o’clock he drove to work. He wrote a lot of letters yesterday. At 6 p.m he came back home.

                                         (adapted text)


De acordo com o texto, qual a resposta adequada para a pergunta:


Did Paul write a lot of letters on Tuesday?

Yes, he did. He writes a lot of letters on Monday.
No, he didn’t. He wrote a lot of letters on Monday.
No, he didn’t wrote a lot of letters on Tuesday.
No, he didn’t write a lot of letters on Monday.
Yes, he did. He wrote a lot of letters on Tuesday.

Read and complete the sentences with the correct family relationship.


 I) My son and my daughter are my __________.

II) My mother´s father is my __________.

III) My father and my mother are my __________.

IV) My uncle´s son is my __________.

V) My brother´s wife is my __________.

The correct sequence is:

children – grandparents – parents – aunt – sister-in-law
child – grandmother – parents – niece – daughter-in-law
parents – grandmother – children – cousin – brother-in-law
children – grandfather – parents – cousin – sister-in-law
parents – grandchildren – parents – nephew – mother-in-law

The alternative that completes the sentence below is:


“In my opinion, Meryl Streep is _______ American actress.”

the best
better than
the goodest

O texto, a seguir, é sobre um recente anúncio do Vaticano que estuda restringir o número de visitantes a uma de suas principais atrações, a Capela Sistina, cujos afrescos foram pintados por Michelangelo há mais de 500 anos.

De acordo com seus estudos baseados nas técnicas instrumentais, leia o texto e responda à questão.


Divine dilemma: should the Vatican reduce tourist access to the Sistine Chapel?

Michelangelo's famous frescoes are described as one of the world's supreme sights.

In scene after scene, some of the Old Testament's most powerful stories are told.

But for some, the room became a victim of its own fame and magnificence. They say it just attracts too many tourists.

Twenty-thousand visitors enter the Chapel's doors every day; more than five million a year.

According to Antonio Paolucci, the director of Vatican Museums, "it becomes noisy, people are confused - it's hard to understand. Too many people make it uncomfortable... But, specially, it creates a problem for the conservation of the frescoes."

Mr. Paolucci said plans to improve the ventilation and counter the humidity in the Chapel would be presented soon.

But he also said that another possibility would be to restrict the numbers of visitors allowed in.

"But so far we are trying to avoid this because the Sistine Chapel for those who visit the Vatican is not only a place of art but also a spiritual, religious place."

Disponível em: . Acesso em: 31 out. 2015.


Segundo o texto, o motivo que levou o Vaticano a considerar a restrição da entrada de visitantes na Capela Sistina foi:

os danos que interferem na conservação das pinturas.
a dificuldade de entender as pinturas.
os visitantes falam muito alto.
os desentendimentos criados pelos visitantes. 
a dimensão do local faz com que o turista se perca.
De acordo com os estudos sobre o uso dos verbos “do” e “make”, complete as frases a seguir. “What are Edward and Alice _______________? “Edward is _____________ his homework and Alice is _____________ a cake.”   The correct sequence to the sentences is:

making / making / making 
doing / doing / doing
doing / doing / making
doing / making / making 
making / doing / doing 
Read the news and answer the question.  Interesting Word Young man from São Paulo Outskirts makes violins out of used wood  David Souza Rocha lives in the outskirts of São Paulo. He studies at a regular school in the evening. Every afternoon, he goes to Tide Setubal Foundation, a cultural center in São Miguel Paulista. At the Foundation, David takes a luthiery course: he learns how to make and repair some musical instruments. Sometimes, David walks around garbage sites or along the Tietêriver looking for old wardrobes, old tables and boxes. He collects them and makes musical instruments out of the used wood. He works as a monitor at the Foundation and is learning how to play the violin, too. David likes music and wants to be a good musician. “I have a dream”, he says. “I want to play in an orchestra at Sala São Paulo.” He points to a violin and completes, “I want to play this violin at Sala São Paulo”. (Based on: ; www.fundacaotidedesetubal.org.br>;http://news.ukmsn.com>. Accessed on: April 3, 2012)   According to the text, write T(true) or F(false).   1-  (    ) David doesn’t live in São Paulo. 2-  (    ) He doesn’t study. 3-  (    ) He studies and works. 4-  (    ) He uses wood to make old tables. 5-  (    ) He makes instruments out of used wood.   The correct sequence is:

T – F – T – F – F
F – F – T – F – T
F – F – F – T – T
T – T – F – F – T
F – T – T – T – T