A fim de desenvolver a habilidade de leitura em língua estrangeira é que surgiram, no Brasil, programas de ensino instrumental de línguas que, por meio de estratégias e atividades, tinham como objetivo formar leitores mais eficientes e autônomos em outro idioma. Assim, para alcançar tal propósito, essa forma de ensino deve:

possibilitar ao aprendiz a capacidade de leitura proficiente em língua estrangeira a partir do estudo aprofundado das estruturas gramaticais.

voltar-se à instrução por meio dos gêneros textuais com os quais o aprendiz irá se deparar em seu ambiente profissional ou acadêmico.

ser mediada pelo uso de materiais didáticos que abordem assuntos que correspondam aos interesses imediatos do aprendiz.

constituir-se em um estudo simplificado, se comparada à modalidade que ensina as quatro habilidades da língua simultaneamente.

propiciar o desenvolvimento de habilidades, a partir da interação de conhecimentos, que levem à construção de sentidos para um texto.

Read the sentences and complete them with a preposition.


I- There’s a jazz concert ______ Tuesday.

II- The theater is ______ 10 Bank St.

III- My family lives ______ Europe.

IV- I finish word ______ 5:00

V- My parents married ______ 1990.


The correct sequence is:

on – at – in – at – in 

on – on – in – at – i

in – on – at – in – at

at – in – in – on – at

on – at – on – in – in

Leias as sentenças, a seguir, e observe as palavras em negrito.


(I) The shopper bought the sweater.

(II) This suit is very expensive!

(III) I usually have soft drinks for lunch.


Elas receberam sufixos que originaram novas classes de palavras. De acordo com seus estudos sobre os afixos, quais as funções que as palavras destacadas cumprem?


A sequência correta é:

substantivo – advérbio – adjetivo

adjetivo – advérbio – substantivo

verbo – advérbio – advérbio 

substantivo – adjetivo – advérbio

verbo – adjetivo – advérbio 

Após a leitura baseada nas técnicas instrumentais, leia o texto para responder a questão.

The biggest holiday of the year and the one many people, specially children enjoy the most is Christmas Day. Soon after thanksgiving, people start sending Christmas cards and decorate their houses. Almost every home has a Christmas tree. German soldiers started this tradition in the U.S. during the Revolutionary War o 1776.

The evening before Christmas Day is called Christmas Eve.  On Christmas Eve many people go to church and sing Christmas carols, and the President gives his Christmas message on TV. Parents tell children that Santa Claus will come to their house in the night and leave presents for them.

On Christmas Day, people open their presents and then they prepare a traditional dinner of turkey or ham with vegetables, salads and desserts. There are also special cookies, candies, nuts and fruits.  Christmas dinner is eaten  late in  the afternoon. During the day, many families watch special Christmas TV and children play with their new toys. Some people go ice-skating or drive around town to look at the decorations.

  (From: American Customs and Traditions, Longman) 


Match the two columns according to the text:


I.­ Every home has a… 

II.­ Many people go to… 

III.­ The evening before Christmas is called… 

IV.­ People sing… 

V.­ The president gives…


(     ) Christmas Eve. 

(     ) message on TV. 

(     ) Christmas tree.

(     ) church. 

(     ) Christmas carols.


The correct sequence is:

V, IV, III, I e II

I, III, V, II e IV

III, V, I, II e IV

II, III, V, IV e I  

IV, II, I, III e V

Complete the following gaps with the right possessive adjective.


I- Cindy and Lee are new students. ______ teacher is Mr. Michaels.

II- Sally and I are in a computer class. ______ class is at 9 a.m.

III- Mrs. Ikawa is from Tokyo. ______ nationality is Japanese.

IV- Are you a chef? ______ chicken is very good.

V- Mr. Vidal is a computer programmer. _______ family lives in Paris.


The correct sequence of the possessive adjectives is:

Her – Our – Her – My – His 

Their – Our – Her – Your – His

Their – Our – His – Your – Her

Their – Their – Her – My – His 

His – My – His – Your – Her 

Read the words and complete them with a, an or the. 

(I) _____ apple

(II) _____ salad

(III) _____ vegetables

(IV) _____ orange

(V) _____ sandwiches


The correct sequence of answers is:

an – the – the – an – a

an – a – a – the – a 

the – a – an – the – a 

an –  a – the – an – the

a – an – an – a – the

Leia as frases e escreva T (true) or F (false) sobre o uso correto das “wh- questions” em cada uma delas. Verificar se as respostas estão coerentes com as perguntas.


I-  Where’s the play? In the afternoon. (     )

II- When’s the art exhibit? At the City Museum. (     )

III- What time’s the class? At 1 p.m. (     )

IV- Who is that girl? My girlfriend. (     )

V- What is this? An English dictionary. (     )


The correct sequence is:

F – F – T – T – T

F – F – T – F – T

T – F – T – F – F 

F – T – F – T – F 

T – T – F – T – T

Read the following extract from the text “Know before you go”, available of the English book.


“Every culture has unwritten “rules” about the appropriate and inappropriate dress. Some cultures have a liberal attitude about clothing, while other cultures are more conservative.”

(ASCHER; SASLOW, 2006, p. 84)


Read the following statements about the formation of the highlighted words:


I) O prefixo un– significa “ser o contrário de”.

II) O prefixo in– significa “abaixo de”.

III) O sufixo –al originou um substantivo.

IV) O sufixo –ing originou um verbo.

V) O sufixo –ive originou um adjetivo.


The correct statements are:

I and II

I and III

I and IV

III and IV

I and V

About your studies of “the simple present” and “the present continuous”, read the sentence and choose the correct sequence to complete it.

He ____________ “the Times” now, but on Sundays he _______ “The Observer”. 

to read / is reading 

reads / read 

is reading / reads

are reading / reads

read / reads 

Complete the conversation with the simple present tense.


A: ____________ your sister live?

B: She ___________ in London with her family.

A: __________________ see them?

B: I visit them every year.


The correct sequence is:

Where does – lives – When do you

Where does – live – When do you

Where do – lives – When do you

Where do – live – When do you

When does – lives – Where do you